Today I attended the first ever conference specifically focusing on Outdoor Play Therapy, organised by the wonderful Ali Chown and Kate Macairt. Kate was my tutor for my postgraduate certificate in play therapy, and introduced me to this wonderful profession, making this conference even more special for me.
Approximately 20 of us from across the country, as well as a few from Belgium (!), met in Bristol to share our aims, experiences, and dreams connected to Outdoor Play Therapy. We discussed the advantages and limitations of working outdoors, considered ethical issues particularly surrounding confidentially, and explored different outdoor areas including parks, woods and the beach We also discussed what we wanted to be called as a group, what our logo should look like, and what we wanted to achieve from this gathering and collaboration.
As you may expect, there was a lot of fun happening outside – building dens, creating safe spaces, engaging in sensory activities, and exploring the nature inside of ourselves developing our own primal chants! It was an incredible day, and so comforting to meet so many like-minded Play Therapists. The next meeting is on Saturday 21st April 2018 which unfortunately I can’t make, but am excited to hear what happens!